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Rainy Day Fun
By Florence Hartman
Copyright 2000 Florence Hartman
A poem about rainy day's activities in years gone by.
Rainy Day Fun
When he was young, my Grandpa tells
They didn't have TV
And even cars were kind of scarce
Which sure seems strange to me.
They had no fridge or freezer
And no electric Fryer.
The clothes were scrubbed and hung outdoors.
They had no washer-dryer.
There were no airports anywhere.
The travel was by train,
And if they went to foreign shores,
They went by ship, not plane.
If course they had no VCR,
No Saturday cartoons.
I asked him, "Just what did you do
On rainy afternoons?"
He looked at me and with a smile
He very gently said,
"We did something quite important,
Mv dear child - we read."