Welcome! In order to use these 3 Special Features, please follow the instructions in the grid boxes. |
Write a request for help which starts "I request help of ____ that _____" and email it to us. |
To read requests, click here. To give help, write to us at SeniorMusings with particulars, or directly to requesting person (and copy us on email) |
Write a prayer which starts "I pray that _____" and email to us. |
To read prayers, click here. To try to answer the prayers, write to us at SeniorMusings with particulars, or directly to praying person (and copy us on email) |
Write a confession which starts "I confess to _____ that _____" and email to us. Write a forgiveness which starts "I forgive _____ who _____" and email to us. |
To read confessions, click here. To read forgivings, click here. To answer either the confessions or the forgivings, write to us at SeniorMusings with particulars, or directly to confessing person or forgiving person (and copy us on email) |